Background History

Background History of the Department

The Union of Myanmar, Myanmar Literature Compilation and Translation CommissionThe Union of Myanmar, Myanmar Literature Compilation and Translation Commission law was enacted by the Union Revolutionary Council (Burmese) on 27th August, 1963. The Union of Myanmar, Myanmar Literature Compilation and Translation Commission was organized under the law.

Myanmar  CommissionThe law of Myanmar Commission was enacted by the Union Revolutionary Council on 15th September, 1971.

Myanmar Commission was organized under law.

Myanmar Language CommissionThe law of Myanmar Language Commission was enacted by PyithuHluttaw on 12th November, 1975. Myanmar Language Commission was organized under the law on 25th February, 1976.

Department of Myanmar Language CommissionThe office of Myanmar Language Commission was reorganized and transformed into the Department of Myanmar Language Commission on 26th July, 1976.

Department of Myanmar and Language Education

Department of Myanmar Language Commission was reorganized and transformed into Department of Myanmar and Language Education on 1st April, 2015. Myanmar Language Sub- Department, Ethnic Languages Sub-Department, Translation Sub-Department, ICT Sub-Department, Administration/Finance Sub-Department were extended and organized as new organizational structure.

Department of Myanmar Nationalities’ Languages

Department of Myanmar and Language Education was reconstituted as Department of Myanmar Nationalities’’ Languages on 7th July 2016. The tasks have been implementing with Myanmar Language Commission, Myanmar Language Sub- Department, Ethnic Languages Sub-Department, Translation Sub-Department, Library, ICT Sub-Department, Administration/Finance Sub-Department harmoniously.